Direct & Indirect
Wi-Fi Monetization
A Communication Service Provider (CSP) can monetize Wi-Fi directly and indirectly. By adding managed B2B Guest Wi-Fi services, the CSP will gain additional revenues from a profitable service. They will also be able to add a secure SSID for Wi-Fi offload and gain a valuable indoor footprint for their subscribers.
Don’t miss to explore our Service Provider Wi-Fi solutions.
Monetize Wi-Fi Indirectly
The most obvious way to monetize Wi-Fi indirectly is to attract new subscribers. But there are many more ways. In fact, in our experience, the indirect monetization of Wi-Fi exceeds the direct monetization. By far. Below we will go through the most important ones.
Monetize Wi-Fi Indirectly with Reduced Churn
Gaining new subscribers is costly—and losing them is even more expensive. Carrier Wi-Fi has become the last piece of the operator’s customer retention puzzle and deserves a new return on investment (ROI) calculation. A calculation with reduced churn as the primary contributor to Wi-Fi monetization.
Operators spend 15-20% of their service revenues to stand still, with the same number of subscribers at the end of the year as they had at the beginning. What would it mean if you also could cut churn by 35% like Shaw Communications did, thanks to their Wi-Fi service?
Monetize Wi-Fi Indirectly with Wi-Fi Offload
Our mobile operator customers offload up to 30% of their traffic to their Wi-Fi networks using our mobile data offloading solution. We can clearly see the effects of this. One operator cut their cellular traffic in half at an airport when they switched on Wi-Fi offload. The FIFA 2014 bronze match in Brasil had a 70% higher usage rate than the 2014 Super Bowl XLVIII, thanks to the automatic and secure SIM authentication enabled by Aptilo for Oi and TIM.
The total cost of ownership (TCO) per bit delivered is much lower in Wi-Fi compared to cellular macro cells. That’s why our customers keep on investing in it. A study from Senza Fili Consulting shows that you can cut TCO by at least half.
Indirect Monetization by Going Wi-Fi First
Cable MSOs can light up a vast Wi-Fi network overnight by using the excess capacity in their subscribers’ homes. With the proper Wi-Fi service management mechanisms, they can do so without risking their subscriber’s service level agreements.
Many Cable MSOs offer mobile services running on a mobile operator’s network. They have become a so-called mobile virtual network operator (MVNO). A “Wi-Fi first” strategy, where they on-load the cellular traffic to their Wi-Fi network as much as possible, has a significant impact on their bottom line. The disruptive effect on the mobile industry is even more apparent with Wi-Fi Calling enabled. Wi-Fi monetization can’t be any more tangible than this.
Monetize Indirectly by Advertising
Suppose you have no subscribers to keep. No cost savings on infrastructure to make. How can you then do Wi-Fi monetization on a free Wi-Fi service? The answer is advertising and sponsored access.
GTD (former Digital Way) in Peru, with their Wi-Fi service Wigo, monetize Wi-Fi with mobile ads. The ads are tailored to the user profile and their current location. It’s a win for everyone. Users can easily log into the service with their social media accounts. Furthermore, they will only see ads interesting to them. Advertisers get hyper-targeted campaigns, even down to a single location within, e.g., a shopping mall. Digital way can sell high-value advertising space.
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