White paper excerpt
IoT CCS Use Cases – Automotive
Usually, operators’ mobile core and OSS/BSS teams prioritize stability before being fast on their feet, implementing every change requested by demanding customers.
With Enea Aptilo IoT Connectivity Control Service (IoT CCS), mobile operators can free themselves from these limitations. It gives them the freedom to innovate IoT services that were impossible to achieve in a strict 3GPP environment. As a result, mobile operators can easily tailor IoT connectivity services to the specific needs of different customer types.
In our series of end-customer use cases, the time has come to discuss the need for IoT connectivity in Automotive.
Hyperscale Cellular IoT – White Paper
This is an excerpt from our white paper Hyperscale Cellular IoT. The full white paper is available here if you like what you read. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Automotive – Multiple Enterprise VPN Connections
A modern car is really a hub of multiple IoT devices. These devices come from subcontractors of things such as suspension, batteries, brakes, security systems, entertainment systems, and more. They all need private connectivity for firmware upgrades and predictive maintenance.
There’s a wide variety of different needs and use cases
Car-2-car communication requires low latency. Upload of extensive real-time analytics requires high upstream data capacity. Downloads of software or passenger entertainment need high downstream data capacity. They may also need geographical routing rules determined by device profile settings.
Furthermore, there may be a need to have localized Internet connectivity and different ratings for different services such as Spotify and Wi-Fi.
The service must be able to route the Internet traffic to the home country’s Internet breakout to enable users to, e.g., watch their local streaming content while abroad.
There is also a need to secure the transport of sensitive data, such as analytics, software upgrades, and data for predictive maintenance. The best way to secure this data is to establish end-to-end connectivity through VPN tunnels. The service provider must support a one-to-many VPN connectivity that the car manufacturer controls.
Car manufacturers also have high-security requirements, end-to-end security, DDoS protection, anomaly detection, enable legal intercept, etc.
Watch the videos below to learn more about IoT CCS. The Automotive use case starts at 17:42 min into the use case video.