White Paper

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Wi-Fi Offloading, Why?

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Wi-Fi Offload Why white paper

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Wi-Fi Offloading – Why?

Still not convinced that Wi-Fi Offloading is for you?

Download and read this white paper to find out why Wi-Fi Offloading is more relevant than ever in the 5G era. We will also bust the top five myths regarding Wi-Fi and show case two very different case studies (Swisscom and 3UK).

Get a high-level understanding of Wi-Fi Offloading with the overview in this paper. And don’t miss our upcoming ‘Wi-Fi Offloading – How?’ white paper, where our experts will delve into the technical details. If you can’t wait, learn more about our Wi-Fi Offloading solution.

We will also discuss the main drivers of Wi-Fi Offloading and how to gain a Wi-Fi footprint for it.

Suppose you are already a struggling Wi-Fi advocate within a mobile operator organization. In that case, you will get some good arguments on the Return On Investment (ROI) and what to say when operations say, ‘We have overcapacity in our cellular network.’ Are you a Wi-Fi skeptic? After reading this paper, we think you will realize that it is not a question of either or, but instead, both cellular and Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi Offloading - Why? white paper table of contents.

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