Enea signs 800 KUSD service deal with US secure payment company
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 12, 2013 – Enea® (NASDAQ OMX Nordic:ENEA) has signed a master agreement with a leading US provider of secure electronic payment solutions. In the first phase, valued at 800 kUSD, Enea will provide consultants to be engaged in various development projects in the customer’s R&D organization. A substantial share of the consultants will work with Linux related development. The engagement will gradually ramp up to include 40 full time consultants in US and Romania. The potential contract value for the first year is estimated to 1.2 MUSD with an extension valued to 3.0 MUSD.
“Enea’s long experience of advanced communication solutions was a key decision factor.”,says Bogdan Putinica, SVP Global Services at Enea. “The customer wanted a supplier that understands their market challenges as well as their technology. Enea’s bridged services concept offers a flexible model with high skilled resources to a low cost.”
“We are very proud of being selected for a large Linux service project.”, says Anders Lidbeck, President and CEO for Enea. “It’s a proof that our bridged service model is successful, but it’s also a proof that we have gained customer trust in the Linux technology area. We understand how to build communicating systems, regardless if it’s incorporated in a base station or a secure payment terminal.”
The information in this press release is such information as Enea AB (publ) shall publish in accordance with “lagen om handel med finansiella instrument”, the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments. The information was submitted for publication on June 12, 2013 at 7:30 am CEST.