Press Releases

Enea initiates share repurchase program

The Board of Directors has resolved to exercise the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2024 for repurchase of own shares for an amount of up to SEK 100 million for the period up to and including the day before the Annual General Meeting 2025.

At the Annual General Meeting in Enea on 7 May 2024, it was resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to resolve on acquisition and transfer of own ordinary shares. The Board of Directors has now resolved to exercise the authorization regarding repurchase of own ordinary shares for a new repurchase program. Repurchase of own ordinary shares will be carried out in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and the EU Commission Delegated Regulation 2016/1052 (the so-called Safe Harbour Regulation). Repurchase of ordinary shares will be carried out by an investment firm or credit institution that makes its trading decisions independently of Enea as regards the timing of the repurchase of Enea’s shares. Reporting of completed repurchases will be made in accordance with applicable rules.
The repurchase program is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Repurchase shall take place on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with its rulebook for issuers and in accordance with MAR and the Safe Harbour Regulation.
  • Repurchase may take place during the period from and including 10 May 2024 up to and including the day before the Annual General Meeting 2025.
  • The number of shares that shall be repurchased may not result in that the company’s shareholding after the repurchase exceeds 10 per cent of the total number of shares in the company.
  • Repurchase may only be made at a price per share within the registered price interval at any given time, which refers to the interval between the current highest buying price and the lowest selling price on Nasdaq Stockholm.
  • Payment for repurchased shares shall be made in cash and the aggregate amount that shall be paid for repurchased shares may amount to at the highest SEK 100 million.

The purpose of the repurchase program is to enable the company to adapt its capital structure to its capital needs over time, and thereby contribute to an increased shareholder value. The current intention is that the repurchased shares will be withdrawn by resolution at upcoming general meetings.

As of today, the total number of shares in Enea amounts to 21,858,231 shares, of which 21,615,231 are ordinary shares with 1 vote each and 243,000 are series C shares with 1/10 vote each. Enea currently holds a total of 984,989 ordinary shares and all 243,000 outstanding series C shares, corresponding to a total of 1,227,989 shares. At the Annual General Meeting on 7 May 2024, it was resolved on a reduction of the share capital by way of cancellation of in the aggregate 412,747 ordinary shares repurchased within the framework of the company’s repurchase programs, as well as all 243,000 series C shares issued within the framework of an obsolete incentive program and held by the company. When the reduction of the share capital has been registered by the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the number of shares in Enea will amount to 21,202,484, all of which will be ordinary shares with 1 vote per share. Enea will then, based on the existing holding, hold 572,242 ordinary shares.

Anders Lidbeck, Acting President and CEO
Phone: +46 8 507 140 00
E-mail: [email protected]