Qosmos Position on Recent Claims
September 4, 2012
Two French human rights organizations, the International Federation of Human Rights (IFHR) and the League of Human Rights (ILR) filed a claim against Qosmos with the French government on July 25, 2012, accusing the company of directly supplying its technology to the Syrian government that is being actively used to intercept the communications of opponents to its regime.
Reports about Qosmos aiding the Syrian government in its oppression are untrue. As a result, Qosmos was compelled to file a false accusation suit to defend its reputation and business interests.
Qosmos has provided its full complaint directly to the IFHR and ILR and has published it on its website (in French).
Here are the facts:
- Business facts: Qosmos does not sell surveillance systems. Its technology is sold to equipment vendors, software vendors and systems integrators, for use in a wide variety of cybersecurity and telecoms applications to improve security and performance.
- Project at issue: Qosmos sold its component technology to a German software vendor for its lawful intercept application, who in turn sold to an Italian systems integrator responsible for the project. The system was never put into operation. Qosmos withdrew from the project in 2011 prior to completion and the system was unusable at the time of our withdrawal. Qosmos had no involvement with the Syrian government.
- Legal compliance: Qosmos has complied with all regulations, publicly called for additional legislation and cooperated with government authorities in all aspects of its business.
- Ethical actions: Qosmos withdrew its support from an incomplete project because concerns for misuse overrode the company’s own financial interests. Qosmos supports the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Global Compact, along with the Electronic Industry Citizen Coalition (EICC) Code of Conduct.
Qosmos shares the concern for the tragic events happening in Syria, and recognizes the critical work of human rights organizations in protecting citizens around the world.
No further comment is possible while the claim and counterclaims are in process.
QOSMOS porte plainte contre la FIDH et la LDH pour dénonciation calomnieuse
Position de Qosmos concernant la Syrie