White Paper Excerpt

Disaggregating Wi-Fi Technology

The Telecom Infra Project

The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) is an industry initiative aiming to break open the markets for Wi-Fi hardware, software, and services to reduce costs and increase Wi-Fi network availability.

Wi-Fi in the 5G era – White Paper

This is an excerpt from our white paper Wi-Fi in the 5G Era – Strategy Guide for Operators. The full white paper is available here if you like what you read. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Wi-Fi in the 5G era White paper download

Opensource Wi-Fi Radio System


Can hardware and software for Wi-Fi infrastructure be disaggregated – meaning, can the two be made independent or even open-sourced? If you ask the Wi-Fi subgroup of the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), the answer is yes.

The TIP OpenWi-Fi project is working to remove the lock-in effects of proprietary Wi-Fi hardware, software, and general architectures, with a view to reducing network costs and increasing ubiquity.

Thus far, the collaborative project – which is widely supported by, e.g., Facebook – is mostly working to develop disaggregated residential Wi-Fi service architectures.

OpenWiFi is a community-developed, open-source software for Wi-Fi. It includes both a cloud controller SDK and an Enterprise-grade Access Point (AP) firmware.  Both are designed and validated to work seamlessly together.

TIP is also working on improved collaborative schemes to facilitate mobile and Wi-Fi convergence, including Wi-Fi offload.

The work by TIP may lend itself well to reducing the cost and complexity of deploying carrier Wi-Fi networks.

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