White paper excerpt
IoT CCS Use Cases – Global Logistics
Usually, operators’ mobile core and OSS/BSS teams prioritize stability before being fast on their feet, implementing every change requested by demanding customers.
With Enea Aptilo IoT Connectivity Control Service (IoT CCS), mobile operators can free themselves from these limitations. It gives them the freedom to innovate IoT services that were impossible to achieve in a strict 3GPP environment. As a result, mobile operators can easily tailor IoT connectivity services to the specific needs of different customer types.
In our series of end-customer use cases, the time has come to discuss IoT connectivity for vendors needing global logistics.
Hyperscale Cellular IoT – White Paper
This is an excerpt from our white paper Hyperscale Cellular IoT. The full white paper is available here if you like what you read. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Global Logistics – Unified Experience and Less Tied Capital
The need for global IoT connectivity can also be a matter of logistics. Take a manufacturer of coffee machines rented out to coffee shops worldwide as an example.
Just imagine the benefits of manufacturing and less tied-up capital in stock by storing one version of the machine instead of individual versions for each country.
To have one global solution regardless of local regulations, the mobile operator must go beyond roaming and instead localize eSIMs over-the-air (OTA) to local subscriptions. This will eliminate the issue of blocking IoT devices due to breaches of regulations and commercial agreements, which in the end, will prohibit permanent roaming. Learn more about this in our blog post IoT Without Risk of Roaming Restrictions.
Imagine doing this under one mobile operator contract and still being able to apply the same security and policies, through Enea Aptilo IoT CCS, across the board while allowing some of the traffic to break out in the local country and some routed home in secure VPNs.
This cannot be achieved with a traditional mobile core. What’s essential for the mobile operator; IoT CCS makes it possible to offer local subscriptions without losing control over the customer to the local operator after eSIM localization.
Watch the videos below to learn more about IoT CCS. The global logistics use case starts at 26:23 min into the use case video.