
5G’s Best Kept Secret: What Vendors Don’t Want Operators to Know

This article appeared on Forbes

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic bringing most of the world’s economy to its knees, the rollout of 5G has come through relatively unscathed. In fact, a recent study from my company found that 37% of mobile operators are looking to go live with 5G standalone (SA) in the next two years. If anything, connectivity is higher on the agenda than it was before the crisis.

A poll showed that 1 in 2 American and British businesses are getting their ducks in a row for 5G. That’s because most businesses, particularly in the current climate, know what a boon 5G will be as the world continues to transform. The main advantage, of course, is speed. But simply referring to 5G as a “faster version of 4G” is doing the technology a great disservice. Those operators and businesses already gearing up for 5G know the extent of the opportunities that could soon be available to them. Brand new use cases and the ability to monetize the enterprise sector across multiple vertical markets are just some of the delights operators are looking forward to.

The truth is, 5G represents a tectonic shift in data management for operators that many vendors are reluctant to talk about. It is the industry’s dirty secret.

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