Annual General Meeting of Enea AB
The Annual General Meeting of Enea AB (556209-7146), May 18, 2006, resolved to approve the proposals of the Board of Directors and the nomination committee. The Annual General Meeting of Enea AB • approved the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet • resolved to approve the Board of Directors' proposal that no dividend will be paid • discharged the board and the CEO from liability for fiscal year 2005 • approved the nomination committee proposal to have 6 board members and 0 deputies • approved the directors and auditors' fees • elected the following people to the new Board of Directors, according to the nomination committee's proposal: Staffan Ahlberg (re-election) Åsa Landén Ericsson (re-election) Gösta Lemne (re-election) Jon Risfelt (re-election) Jan Rynning (re-election) Anders Skarin (re-election) • elected Staffan Ahlberg as Chairman of the Board of Directors • elected KPMG Bohlins AB as new deputy Auditor • resolved to approve the nomination committee's proposal for election of the nomination committee • resolved to approve the Board of Directors' proposal for the new Articles of Association • resolved to approve the Board of Directors’ proposal of an option plan for employees of Enea TekSci, Inc. which contains issue of warrants as well as transfer of warrants • authorized the Board of Directors to, for the purpose of acquisitions, decide on new share issues of a maximum of 18,215,686 shares, each share with a par value of 5 öre, on one or more occasions during the period until the next Annual General Meeting. If this authorization is fully exercised the Company's share capital will be increased by a maximum of SEK 910,784.30 from SEK 18,215,686.20 to SEK 19,126,470.50, corresponding with a maximum increase of five (5) percent of share capital Summary of Speech by President and CEO Johan Wall at the Annual General Meeting: The result for fiscal 2005 of 70 MSEK was the best so far in the history of the company. Today we have a strong financial position giving us increased flexibility to grow the company to its next level. Our financial performance is very satisfying considering that we also managed to reposition Enea as a global software company providing integrated solutions, in-house developed applications, third party products and world class consulting services. The year saw the continued transformation of the company to a more market-oriented player with a wider product range in new, growing segments of the embedded software world and additional services. Among the new products we introduced, the most significant was our Element™ application development framework. The expansion of the product portfolio continues and this year we introduced the communications software LINX and the Network Application Services Platform (NASP), a so-called Telecom-in-a-Box solution. I’m convinced that Enea’s future depends on us being able to continue refining, expanding and packaging our offering so that we can move up the value chain and capture a bigger share of our customers’ software investments. This is also an important reason for us to continue to invest in research, development and technology, combined with technology acquisitions. We see rapidly changing customer needs, with many of them reducing the number of suppliers. This trend increases the demand on us to deliver more integrated systems and solutions, instead of single components, as we once did. Integrated tools and software components will result in reduced development time and costs with increased quality in spite of growing system complexity. Professional Services is still very important to Enea. Being able to offer qualified and integrated consultancy services is a value to our customers, and as we move from a company with a single software offer, to a multi-solutions company offering both our own products complemented with third party products, services will remain an important part of our business. To summarize, we will continue to migrate “up the stack” and provide our customers—some of the largest technology companies in the world—more ready-to-deploy run time applications, Linux and open source options and new world class solutions. To that end, Enea will continue its transformation into a major platform provider by leveraging all our products and services to enable growth and thus create added value, for customers as well as shareholders. The Board of Directors