Här kan du ta del av alla presentationer från dagen, observera att både filmer och PDF:er är på engelska.
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01. Welcome & Overview (7 min)
CEO Anders Lidbeck welcomes everyone to Eneas Capital Markets Day and gives a brief introduction with some key milestones from the past five years, since the last Capital Markets Day in 2019.
02. Portfolio Overview & Strategic Focus (33 min)
CTO Osvaldo Aldao talks about Eneas portfolio and strategic focus.
03. Network Security Update (28 min)
John Hughes, SVP Network Security Business Group, gives an update from the Network Security Group.
04. Embedded Security Update (20 min)
Jean-Pierre Coury, SVP Embedded Security Business Group, gives an update from the Embedded Security Group.
05. Customer Opportunities in Key Markets (20 min)
Ammar Hamdan, VP Sales EMEA & APAC talks about customer opportunities in key markets.
06. Financial Update 9M (13 min)
CFO Ulf Stigberg gives a financial update
on the first 9 months of 2024.
07. Financial Insights (24 min)
Håkan Rippe, Advisor to the CEO, gives a presentation on further financial insights.
08. Teemu Salmi Introduction (7 min)
Introduction via link by incoming CEO Teemu Salmi that assumes his position on April 1 2024.
09. Wrap Up (4 min)
CEO Anders Lidbeck summarize and wraps up the Capital markets Day 2024.