Press Releases

Team GEEK rides to support the fight against HIV/AIDS

Enea helps fighting HIV and AIDS through Corporate Social Responsibility initiative

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 27, 2013 – Enea® (NASDAQ OMX Nordic:ENEA), a world leading operating system solution vendor for 3G and 4G infrastructure equipment, today announced their support for the AIDS/LifeCycle ride.

HIV affects all of us, regardless of race, background or sexual orientation. While great strides have been made since the first reported cases, the AIDS crisis is not over. The AIDS/LifeCycle is a 545 mile (877 km) 7-day bicycle ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise money and awareness in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In 2012, the ride raised more than 12 million USD.

This is the second time Enea is sponsoring the cause by sending participants to the ride, and this year Enea’s “Team GEEK” has as many as six members:

  • Paul Nederveen (Global FAE Manager) and Sam Hage (External Consultant) from the U.S.
  • Henrik Ahlqvist (Marketing Director) from Sweden, and
  • Lucian Badescu (Product Owner), Ciprian Barbu (Software Engineer) and Razvan Grama (Support Engineer) from Romania.

All six are all experienced cyclists and have volunteered to ride the challenging route through the beautiful landscape of California.

Enea is donating 18,000 USD (3,000 per rider), and riders as well as their friends, family and colleagues are encouraged to contribute more. If you would like to support the cause and make a donation yourself, please follow the link below All donations go directly to the beneficiary organizations, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center.

During the ride, you will be able to follow the Team GEEK riders on, as well as the Enea Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Instagram pages.

For more information about the AIDS/LifeCycle, please visit